Retraction Policiy

1. In some cases, the HPY Editorial Team may decide to retract an article.

2. An article will be formally retracted if, at any stage of review, pre-publication or after publication, the Editorial Team or readers identify a breach of publication ethics. Retraction of an article due to a breach of publication ethics will also result in a ban on future publication of articles in HPY for all members of the author's team involved in the incident.

3. Reasons for article retraction:
— plagiarism in the article, including borrowed graphs, tables, charts, etc., if the fact of plagiarism has become apparent after the article has been published (see plagiarism policy);

— legitimate claims of copyright breach concerning the article or its individual parts by third parties;
— publication of the artcile elsewhere before it appeared in HPY;
— grave errors in the published article which call into question its research value.

4. In such circumstances, the HPY Editorial Board initiates a review, following which the article may be retracted. An article retraction report is drawn up and signed by the Editor-in-Chief. A copy of the report will be sent to the author of the article.

5. The article is not physically removed from the published circulation and the file of the issue on the website. The Editorial Team publishes a statement retracting the article and places it on the webpage with the Contents of the issue the article was publised in on the official HPY website.